Here is your short paragraph on Jaina festivals:

Jainism was founded about the time of the closing of the three-Veda corpus and the composition of the earliest Aranyakas and Upanisads, when speculation in India and elsewhere was turning away from mythical to rational explanations of man’s own nature and that of his environment.

Jainism takes its name from the epithet Jina (conqueror/victorious) which was applied to all Tirthankaras, who were considered to have conquered all passions (raga and dvesa), and attained liberation (Kaivalya or Nirvana).

Of the twenty-four Jaina teachers (Tirthankaras) only two are generally regarded as historical.


These are Parsvanatha (C. 8th century B.C) and Vardhamana, styled Mahavira (great hero) a contemporary of Buddha (6th century B.C.). Mahavira claimed to be no more than the successor and coordinator of the teaching of Parsva and his predecessors.

The major Jaina festivals comprise of Panchakalyanakas, Oli (April-Octo­ber), Pajjushana (August-September), Parjjushana (Paryushana) Dashalakshana, Bhadrapada Shukla Panchama (August-September), Deepawali (October-Novem­ber), Jaana-Panchami (October-November).


Jaina’s also participates in the festivals and fairs of the region where they live in. They join the Hindus in celebrating Makara Sankranti, Holi, Navaratri, Raksha-Bandhan and also the well-known festivals of the south like Pongal or the Tamilian harvest festival, Kartik, Yugadi, the new year of the Sarasvats, Gauri etc. adopting local customs and practices. Analogous to Hindu, they celebrate ending of special vows (vratas) and fasts of different types some of which may be expiatory and others different kinds of penances (tapa).
