Here is your short paragraph on Zoroastrian Festivals:

Zoroastrianism is the religion preached by the holy Prophet Zarathushtra or Zoroaster of ancient Iran. It was the religion of the ancient Iranian people and today only a small segment of Zoroastrians (also known as Parsis) living in various parts of the world, particularly in India and Iran.

Originally these people hailed from the ancient province of Pars in south-western Iran.

Zoroastrianism was founded by the Iranian-speaking prophet Zarathushtra, Greek Zoroaster. It is known to its followers by the Pahlavi title, Daena Mazdayasni, the Good Religion of the Worshippers of Mazdah.


Currently, there are about 150,000 followers of Zoroastrianism the majorities living in India in the area of Bombay and in Gujarat. Many of these Zoroastrians, called Parsis, “Persians” moved to India after the Islamization of Iran, their original homeland and today many live in others parts of the world, including North America.

In Zoroastrinism, both festive and solemn occasions are followed ‘Jashan’ is the general term used for a festival as the ‘Fire’ is regarded as the representative of God, the son of Ahura Mazda. The offerings in the ceremony consist of the representatives of the creations of Nature-water, milk, flowers and fruits. Some sweet meals made of wheat flour, milk, sugar and butter, are optionally prepared as offerings in the jashan ceremony.


Zoroastrians celebrate a Jashan ceremony in Bombay with the priest and his assistants standing around a fire and offerings of fruit, flowers, water, milk and sweets. The priest is wearing a mouth veil so that his breath does not come in contact with fire and offerings.

As stated earlier, Jashan is also the name of the religious ceremony ob­served be it festive or solemn occasions. Jashan has religious, seasonal and histori­cal importance, but religious importance permeates all jashans the jashan of the birthday of the Prophet has historical as well as religious significance.

In Zoroas- trianism, seasonal festivals has also religious fervours. Jashans are observed also on the day on which the day and the month bear the same name. These are the monthly jashans and the ceremony is performed in honour of the presiding deity. The prayers are held and in every jashan ceremony, the presence of fire is essential.

Noteworthy Zoroastrian Festival are Jamsed Naoraz, Khordadsal, Festival of Fire, Zarthoshtno Diso, Fravardegan, Gahambars (six seasonal festivals) etc.
